“Ah, here’s just another new apparel company”, we hear you think. WRONG. We are not just another clothing company. We are more. We are Scandal Designs. Founded by millennials, for millennials. We focus on creating quality products while leaving a positive footprint on the planet. Because we like to swim against the stream and prove that with the right mindset, a difference can be made.

No matter how small this difference might be.

Apparel companies are popping up like mushrooms these days, but would they all pay attention to the impact of their business on the environment? We don’t think so. And yes, changing is not easy, but it’s a scandal not to try. We want to make a positive change, one step at a time, by taking the following actions:

  • 20% of our profit goes towards different charities.
  • We sell a selection of eco-friendly products with high quality fabrics and prints, like our T-shirts.
  • Any returned items will be reused, recycled or donated to charity.
  • Many of our packaging materials are either recyclable or biodegradable.

About our logo


Majestic, powerful and immune to the venom of other snakes. Like a true master of the martial arts, the non-venomous milksnake is prepared to defend itself against all sorts of attacks. While most predators are bigger than their prey, it looks like no one told this kingsnake. But like the old snake rhyme says: “red against black is a friend to Jack’’. With red and black bands next to each other, this constrictor is not dangerous for humans.

Be fearless. Be strong. Don’t let something bigger than yourself hold you back. Be like the kingsnake. - Scandal Designs